Infertility Risk Trying To Get Pregnant Avoid These 5 Unhealthy Habits To Boost Fertility

Infertility Risk Trying To Get Pregnant Avoid These 5 Unhealthy Habits To Boost Fertility

Infertility Problem: Being a parent is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. Some couples get this happiness easily, while some people have to face a lot of difficulties to get this happiness. Infertility affects about 15 percent of couples worldwide and worryingly, this number is on the rise. There can be many reasons for the problems related to infertility.

There are some factors that affect the fertility of both men and women. Bad lifestyle and bad habits can jeopardize your desire to become a parent. To increase your fertility, you have to change some of your habits. Let us know that by changing which habits you will be able to avoid the problem of infertility.

Why does the problem of infertility arise?

1. Heavy smoking: Smoking can badly affect the fertility of both men and women. Due to excessive smoking, menopause can also start early in women. While the quality of sperm may decrease in men.

2. Lack of Sleep: Women who wake up late or work in night shifts are more prone to infertility and miscarriage. The levels of estrogen, progesterone, leptin and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) can be improved by getting 7-8 hours of sleep every day, as all these are necessary to conceive.

3. Excessive intake of caffeine: Excessive consumption of coffee can have a bad effect on the capacity of men to produce sperm. There are very bad consequences of excessive consumption of caffeine in women too. Caffeine can increase the risk of miscarriage. Apart from this, caffeine can prove to be more dangerous for women already struggling with infertility. Therefore, couples facing difficulties in conceiving are advised to limit their intake of caffeine to less than 250 mg daily.

4. Consumption of Alcohol: Women thinking of becoming pregnant should avoid the consumption of alcohol and those who are pregnant should especially take care of this. Because if this is not done, not only will there be many difficulties in conceiving, but the pregnancy of women who are pregnant can also be in danger.

5. Bad eating habits: Working people often do not have breakfast in a hurry and have lunch before time. Some people prefer to eat junk food instead of eating healthy food in dinner. Due to not getting the right amount of nutrition to the body, the fertility of men and women can also be in danger. Health experts say that women who eat more fast food take longer to get pregnant.

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